Friday, October 9, 2015

Love is all you need

 Not sure how many of you know this, maybe because I've calmed down as the years have passed on but I love The Beatles.  I've always felt this love for the 60's for some reason.  The music, pop culture, history and even the fashion (I really do think the fashion trend now is totally 60's influenced).  I love The Beatles' classic songs but also their really really weird songs that make you feel like you're on drugs even if you aren't.  Yeah I said it. So when I heard about The Beatles Love Show in Las Vegas about 8 years ago, I freaked.  Vegas is only like 6 hours away! Easy. Well, every time I planned to go it just never really worked out.  I probably had mentioned that it was my dream to Thomas and kind of brushed it off.  I guess in my mind even though I really really wanted to go, it just probably wouldn't happen for awhile.

  So about a week before my birthday, Thomas and I were having dinner and he randomly blurts out that he has something to tell me. Looking at my confused face, he proceeded to tell me that he wanted to tell me what he got me for my birthday.  I initially think "well that's weird since we still have a week to go but since when am I ever patient, let's hear it!" So he tells me he got tickets to The Beatles Love show for next weekend and he wanted me to mentally prepare because remember I'm in the "I hate food because it makes me want to puke but give me food because I'm sooo hungry" phase and I'm just so exhausted all the time. Growing a baby is a lot of work, I tell ya. Anyways so you would think I would be sooooooo pee my pants excited but my first thought was "we can't afford this.." "I'm sick as a dog, the last thing I want to do is be in a car (which is one of my worst enemies right now) and get even more sick for 6 hours" "Thomas has school and work which means he'd be missing out on money we so desperately need" blah blah blah.

Since when did I become the nagging wife? Good thing Thomas is always so patient and loving.  He just calmly says that he bought the tickets with his first paycheck at his internship earlier this summer and has kept it a secret the last 3 months.  He then says that I can take my motion sickness pills and sleep the whole car ride while he drives the 6 hours.  At that moment, I stopped with all those worrying thoughts that crowded my excitement and as I looked into my husband's face, I realized never gave him the reaction he deserved.  He had been planning this for months and I'm sure he thought of a ton of reasons not to do it but he wanted to make my birthday special.  He sacrificed for it. And that's what made it special.

The show was magical.  It was colorful, weird, fun and memorable.  They did an incredible job.  As the show went on, the more and more excited I got.  I just didn't want it to end.  Except I really had a pee the last 40 minutes so I was having a complex. Also, poor Thomas sat next to a drunk woman who kept singing so loud and then yelling at her husband that she needed to pee and that she was hungry.  They ended up leaving after 20 minutes...thank goodness but who pays that much money to see a show only for 20 minutes??? Beyond me.

I can now say I've seen The Beatles Love Show.  I'd definitely recommend it. Here's an awful colored picture of us:

We thought the picture would look a lot cooler but really it didn't.  I also feel like I'm in the pudgy phase of my pregnancy.  Look I know I'm going to get bigger but you have to remember that I've already gained 35 pounds BEFORE I was pregnant because my stupid thyroid decided to stop working therefore I don't fit in 90% of my clothes anymore. I hate pictures but I'm working on it. I'm really trying hard to be confident again but it's a process. 

**GOOD NEWS UPDATE: I am now 12 weeks.  I heard baby P's heartbeat for the first time last week.  Nice and healthy.  My blood results came back in and my thyroid levels are back to normal so the medication is working!  Which is great I can tell people that because honestly I haven't felt much of a difference because the whole pregnancy thing took over.  My poor really is a trooper.

Anyways thank you for the birthday wishes, cards and gifts. All so sweet.

Heres to being a quarter of a century!

Love and Peace<3

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